Enspiral topic: Plataforma kooperatibista topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa +16 gehiago 23 apirila, 2020 gehituta
Erik Forman as Part of Who Owns the World? PCC Conference Platform Cooperativism Consortium-ren eskutik topic: Plataforma kooperatibista topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa +5 gehiago 17 apirila, 2020 gehituta
Ephemera: Theory & Politics in Organization topic: Data topic: Jabetza +2 gehiago 16 martxoa, 2020 gehituta
Labor Platforms With Unions Carl Fredrik Söderqvist and Victor Bernhardtz-ren eskutik topic: Plataforma kooperatibista topic: Lankidetzako jardunbide onenak +14 gehiago 11 urria, 2019 gehituta