Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




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Garbitu dena

  • Uber Über Regulation?

    topic: Kapital-plataforma
    topic: Plataformak
    +2 gehiago
    8 maiatza, 2020 gehituta
  • Is the Gig Economy Working?

    topic: Kapital-plataforma
    topic: Gig ekonomia
    +3 gehiago
    11 urria, 2019 gehituta
  • The Train Now Standing at Platform 3 is a Co-op?

    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    topic: Lankidetzako jardunbide onenak
    +2 gehiago
    4 maiatza, 2020 gehituta
  • ESOPs and the Limits of Fractionalized Ownership

    topic: Negozio-eredua
    topic: Langilearen boterea
    +11 gehiago
    6 maiatza, 2020 gehituta
  • Newest Taxi Company Will Also Be the Largest

    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    topic: Negozio-eredua
    +8 gehiago
    13 maiatza, 2020 gehituta
  • It’s time to build a movement for good work.

    topic: Negozio-eredua
    topic: Gig ekonomia
    +15 gehiago
    11 urria, 2019 gehituta
  • The "Sharing Economy" is the Problem

    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    topic: Kapital-plataforma
    +22 gehiago
    6 urtarrila, 2021 gehituta
  • Trade unions and worker cooperatives

    topic: Mugimendu kooperatiboa
    topic: Gobernantza
    +5 gehiago
    11 urria, 2019 gehituta
  • In Letters of Blood and Fire

    topic: Kapital-plataforma
    topic: Gig ekonomia
    +9 gehiago
    30 martxoa, 2020 gehituta