Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




Kooperatif tipleri





1728'nin 667kaynak eşleşti


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Tümünü temizle

  • How You Can Help to Preserve Billions of Photos

    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    topic: İş modeli
    Eylül 26, 2023Eklendi
  • Co-operatives, Work, and the Digital Economy

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +11daha fazla
    Ağustos 1, 2023Eklendi
  • The Overlooked Value of the Social Economy

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +5daha fazla
    Eylül 18, 2023Eklendi
  • Building Platform Cooperatives in Brazil

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +13daha fazla
    Ağustos 1, 2023Eklendi
  • Turning Fairbnb Coop into a Multi-Stakeholder Cooperative

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: İş modeli
    +10daha fazla
    Ağustos 10, 2023Eklendi
  • Interview of Drivers Cooperative Co-founder

    topic: İş modeli
    topic: Esnek ekonomi
    +2daha fazla
    Ağustos 1, 2023Eklendi
  • Worker-Led Alternatives: A Line of Hope for New Platform Futures

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +15daha fazla
    Ağustos 10, 2023Eklendi
  • Online platform work effects on human development at global margins

    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    topic: Esnek ekonomi
    +8daha fazla
    Ağustos 21, 2023Eklendi