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1728'nin 25kaynak eşleşti
Gösterilen kaynaklar, bu filtrelerden en az birisi ile eşleşmektedir.
A Short History of Co-operation and Mutuality
#Coops Viadrina: A Platform Coop Magazine, Volume 1
Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep
4 Initiatives That Empower Collaborative Decision-Making
Exploring the Governance of Platform Cooperatives: A Case Study
Holacracy : The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World
Cooperative Commons Manifesto
Kerala Plans to Launch 4,000 Platform Co-ops to Upskill Unemployed Youth
How Innovative Funding Models Could Usher in a New Era
The Employee Ownership 100: America’s Largest Majority Employee-Owned Companies
Platform Cooperativism 2016