Platform Cooperativism Resource Library




Kooperatif tipleri





1728'nin 29kaynak eşleşti


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Tümünü temizle

  • How Tech Companies Manipulate Our Personal Data

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    +13daha fazla
    Nisan 28, 2020Eklendi
  • Maybe the Gig Economy Isn’t Reshaping Work After All

    topic: İş modeli
    topic: Esnek ekonomi
    +7daha fazla
    Ocak 18, 2021Eklendi
  • Inside the Revolution at Etsy

    topic: İş modeli
    topic: Gelir, Fayda ve Tazminat
    +3daha fazla
    Şubat 4, 2021Eklendi
  • Cooperatives aim to tap into digital platforms for growth

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +5daha fazla
    Ekim 11, 2019Eklendi
  • Worker co-ops may be the solution

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: İş modeli
    +10daha fazla
    Ocak 31, 2021Eklendi
  • Start-up co-operatives take on the Uber economy

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +8daha fazla
    Ocak 31, 2021Eklendi
  • COOP Cabs Shake Up Taxi Industry

    topic: Platform kooperatifçiliği
    topic: Kooperatif hareketi
    +9daha fazla
    Mayıs 15, 2020Eklendi
  • Uber and the lawlessness

    topic: Platform kapitalizmi
    topic: İş modeli
    +19daha fazla
    Şubat 3, 2021Eklendi