Collaborative Economy By The European Commission topic: Platform Cooperativism topic: Cooperative Movement +11 more Added May 15, 2020
FairShares Rule Generator By FairShares topic: Business Model topic: Cooperative Best Practices +11 more Added May 18, 2020
Understanding Mondragon Globalization Process: Local Job Creation Through Multi-Localization By Jose Mari Luzarraga Monasterio, Dr. Dionisio Aranzadi Telleria, and Dr. Iñazio Irizar Etxebarria topic: Cooperative Movement topic: Business Model +3 more Added June 17, 2020
Why platform co-ops? By Co-operatives UK topic: Platform Cooperativism topic: Platform Capitalism +3 more Added March 16, 2021
Escalando soluciones para pescadores en pequeña escala topic: Cooperative Movement topic: Platform Cooperativism +6 more Added November 18, 2021