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Democracy and the future of work
Worker-Owned Gig Apps, 2022 Creator Report, Benefits of a Mental Health Career Break, and More…
Crowd Work: Shame, Secrets, and an Imminent Threat to Employment
Platform Economy as a New Form of Capitalism: A Régulationist Research Programme
Chasing Utopia
Q&A with Felix Weth of Fairmondo, the Platform Co-op that’s Taking on eBay
Paradoxical Tensions as a Double-Edged Sword: Analysing the Development of Platform Cooperatives in the European Gig Economy
Kerala Plans to Launch 4,000 Platform Co-ops to Upskill Unemployed Youth
Seoul-Based Coop Taxi Gives Power Back to Drivers
How Innovative Funding Models Could Usher in a New Era
The Employee Ownership 100: America’s Largest Majority Employee-Owned Companies