Alle durchsuchen
Radish Cooperative reduces food waste, improves service for customers and business for restaurants with Azure
How the Drivers Cooperative Is Helping Immigrant Workers Reclaim Their Power
Platform cooperatives and the dilemmas of platform worker-member participation
Resistencia versus destrucción creativa, ¿es posible una alternativa a la actual economía de plataformas? Un estudio de caso de dos cooperativas
Project ‘Kerala Savaari’ facing a bumpy ride; drivers leave, passengers uninstall app
Data Cooperatives as Catalysts for Collaboration, Data Sharing, and the (Trans)Formation of the Digital Commons
Oportunidades y desafíos del cooperativismo de plataformas. Un análisis desde el enfoque de las tecnologías para la inclusión social
There are no markets anymore: From neoliberalism to Big Tech
Platform co-ops: Democratising the digital economy
Democracy and the future of work